Mass Meditations for all Starseeds – Jan 10, 11 & 12 – Big Opportunity to Trigger Change
Laws of Manifestation to hit critical mass for the Age of Aquarius Activation:
1. Declare that “144,000 people or more will participate in the Jan 11th/12thAge of Aquarius Activation.”
2. Visualize 144,000 people or more meditating in perfect harmony during the Jan 11th/12th Age of Aquarius Activation.
3. Visualize spirit guides, twin souls, angels, soul family, and other positive beings quietly encouraging all awakened spirits to participate in the Age of Aquarius Activation.
4. Spread the word!
If we wish to achieve an impact on the physical plane and reach the critical mass, It is extremely important that we do our meditation exactly at the time which has been determined by the Light Forces to have the maximum positive impact, which is at 6:11 am GMT on January 12th.
Interview with Cobra about the Age of Aquarius Activation:
Transcript Here:
Doing the meditation earlier or later will NOT help us reach the critical mass, as we are living on a physical plane that is subject to laws of space and time and if we wish to influence the physical plane, we need to do this with laser-like precision, with unified and focused intent.
There will be many moments before and after the activation where we are encouraged to meditate as well, as this will assist in the buildup of energies before the activation and in their integration after the activation:
144K Meditations – Intense 2 Hour Planetary Clearing & Activations to sign up!
- Friday’s Lunar Eclipse Meditation: Clear the tense energies around this Eclipse transmute all darkness and plasma anomaly affecting the situation
- Saturday Night/Sunday’s Age of Aquarius Activation: Send a coherent signal out to the Universe & our Galactic Brothers & Sisters that we want Gaia liberated NOW (Starts 1 Hour Earlier to harmonize & balance our energies together – and is Synchronized with Cobra’s Guided Meditation at the end.)
- Sunday’s Guided 1 Hour Visualization: Co-create the Age of Aquarius in the way that WE THE PEOPLE want to see it unfold. (Starts 15 minutes after the Meditation Event with Corey Goode, Laura Eisenhower, and Justin Deschamps – and is Synchronized with their Guided Meditation.)
Shorter 15-20 Minute Guided Meditations
Strategized to happen at the same time as the meditations above – to strengthen the energy in the collective field.
- FRIDAY at the Lunar Eclipse 11:10 AM PST/2:10 PM EST /7:10 PM UTC/6:10 AM Sydney:
(Sandra Walter Unity Meditation will occur at the same time)
2. SUNDAY January 13th at 7:15 AM PST/10:15 AM EST/3:15 GMT/2:15 AM Sydney
Corey Goode, Justin Deschamps, Laura Eisenhower
(Sandra Walter Unity Meditation will occur at almost the same time)
3. Monday January 13th New Cosmic Stargates Opening – Completion of this Gate Sequence

In January 2020, a massive planetary energy activation is due to occur on Earth at the time of the Saturn/Pluto conjunction. At this time, the planetary Solar Plexus Chakra located at Uluru (formerly Ayre’s Rock) and Kata Tjuta, in Central Australia, will be fully activated. Aboriginal lore tells of a ritual back in the Dreamtime that was interrupted and never completed. This ritual was meant to fulfil the great plan of the Earth Spirit. Once the ritual is consummated, ‘perfection will spread throughout the world’. In other words, this ritual will open the way from 4th to 5th world consciousness.’ This event is symbolised by a great pole, or cosmic umbilical cord, which unites Earth with the Sun. It is predicted that this cord will begin to function in 2020 AD, at the time of the Saturn/Pluto conjunction.
In January 2020, a massive planetary energy activation is due to occur on Earth at the time of the Saturn/Pluto conjunction. At this time, the planetary Solar Plexus Chakra located at Uluru (formerly Ayre’s Rock) and Kata Tjuta, in Central Australia, will be fully activated. Aboriginal lore tells of a ritual back in the Dreamtime that was interrupted and never completed. This ritual was meant to fulfil the great plan of the Earth Spirit. Once the ritual is consummated, ‘perfection will spread throughout the world’. In other words, this ritual will open the way from 4th to 5th world consciousness.’ This event is symbolised by a great pole, or cosmic umbilical cord, which unites Earth with the Sun. It is predicted that this cord will begin to function in 2020 AD, at the time of the Saturn/Pluto conjunction.
Together, Uluru and Kata Tjuta form the world Solar Plexus Chakra. This is the primary chakra for the maintenance of global health and vitality of the planet, and all living things. If things are not right here, then the whole world system suffers. It is now time for this to be healed. The healing began in October, 2019, when a total ban on climbing the highly sacred site of Uluru was declared.
According to Robert Coon, author of ‘The Rainbow Serpent and the Holy Grail,’ this powerful activation will also involve a blast of divine light and energy through the song lines (ley lines) of the planet, connecting all of Earth’s main chakras together, and most especially one of the main energy arteries/song lines referred to by the Aboriginal people as The Rainbow Serpent (representing Divine Feminine Energy to many). This line starts at Uluru (solar plexus) and travels through Bali (world purification centre), to Glastonbury (heart and third eye chakras), to Lake Titicaca (sacral chakra) and then back around and through to Uluru.
The planetary event in January 2020 is actually a rare quadruple conjunction involving Saturn, Pluto, Mercury and the Sun. The previously interrupted ceremony will culminate in the reactivation of the Solar Umbilical Cord of Planet Earth with the Sun, and on deeper levels with the Great Central Sun. This, in turn, will assist in the creation of an archetypical communication between the Sun and Earth, to help us to more fully embrace a ‘Golden Age’.
Several weeks ago, one of our group received the message that ‘it is time to tap within’. She was shown bubbles of light building up around the two energy centres of Uluru and Kata Tjuta. She could see Aboriginal people singing this energy into a bubble, then the waters breaking from an amniotic sac. A pale blue, crystalline light and then a mauve light built up around it. She was told that part of the DNA of the Aboriginal people is vibrating and contributing to the birthing/activation.
We’re asking people to please send energy to the Ngaltawaddi Ceremony being held at Uluru, located in the Northern Territory, Australia, on January the 12th, 2020, and to visualize the Cosmic Umbilical Cord being healed.
Here are words to assist this healing of the World Solar Plexus Chakra:
Let the sun shine on Uluru and Kata Tjuta,
Let the Pathway of the Rainbow Serpent be clear,
So that greater health and vitality may circulate
Throughout the world to bless all beings;
Today, breathe —– relax —– smile—- and give thanks to the Earth.
Let the sun shine on Uluru and Kata Tjuta,
Let the Pathway of the Rainbow Serpent be clear,
So that greater health and vitality may circulate
Throughout the world to bless all beings;
Today, breathe —– relax —– smile—- and give thanks to the Earth.
The Time of The Sixth Sun
Other Key Astrological Moments During This Sequence:
FRIDAY, January 10th
1. Exact moment of the Saturn-Pluto synod at 5:11 am EST (or 10:11 am GMT)
2. Exact moment of the Eris direct station at 8:22 pm EST (or Saturday January 11th at 01: 22 am GMT )
3. Exact moment of the Uranus direct station at 8:48 pm EST (or January 11th at 01:48 am GMT)
SUNDAY, January 12th
4. Exact moment of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction, which comes on Sunday, January 12th at 12:00 noon EST (or 5:00 pm GMT)
MONDAY, January 13th
5. Exact moment of the quadruple Sun-Saturn-Pluto-Ceres conjunction at 9:30 am EST (or 2:30 pm GMT)